
How does this plan support the assumptions of andragogy how


Think of an audience you will serve as a teacher leader. Develop a course plan for this audience that incorporates the micro components of self-directed learning along with the assumptions of andragogy as you guide your learners in a process that will enhance their own talents while encouraging them to think for themselves.

Use the following outline (based on the micro components of self-directed learning)(ATTACHED) as the framework for your course plan:

1. assessing needs (Adult Learner Survey results in Unit III),

2. setting goals,

3. specifying learning content,

4. pacing the learning,

5. instructional methods, techniques, and devices

6. learning environment,

7. introspection, reflection, and critical thinking,

8. teacher leader's role, and 9. evaluating the learning.

Complete parts 1-4 (above) and the "Written Reflection, Part 1" (below) in the Course Plan Template (ATTACHED)

Written Reflection, Part 1

Write a reflection under this heading of the Course Plan Template, justifying how your plan meets the needs of your adult learners. Address each of the following in your reflection:

- How does this plan support the assumptions of andragogy?
- How does this plan address the seven characteristics of effective teaching?
- How does this plan incorporate your strengths as a teacher leader?
- How does this plan encourage learners to think for themselves?
- How did you use these findings to develop the sample course plan to most effectively meet the needs of your adult learners?

Your reflection should be a minimum of three complete full pages in length. Be sure to cite and reference any outside sources used for this project in APA format.

Attachment:- Attachments.rar

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Dissertation: How does this plan support the assumptions of andragogy how
Reference No:- TGS02328446

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