
How does this narrative fit into freires discussion on the

Reflection Assignment V - Hispanic and Latino Americans

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Hispanic and Latino Americans, as Native Americans and African Americans comprise the Third Tier stratification system (Marger, 1991) defining ethnic-minority groups whose ethnicity continues to shape the basic aspect of their lives.

However, a distinct characteristic separating Hispanic and Latino groups from the others is the recognized strength of original ethnic culture, which serves to provide a successful pathway for integration into mainstream Americanization.

The initial contact model defined through conquest and land confiscation by White settlers, yet not being restricted to reservations or other racial-segregated geographical territory as the Native Americans provides a lens for evaluating the continued social and economic growth separating Hispanic and Latino Americans from Native Americans, and African Americans.

• Using Freire - Chapter 1, Marger - Chapter 8, and the available resources in the learning module, compare Hispanic Americans initial contact model with both the Native Americans and African Americans initial contact models respectively to evaluate how Hispanic Americans are able to occupy the "intermediate" class system below Euro-Americans and well above the other groups?

• In the article Racial and Ethnic Identity Development, Chavez and Guido-DiBrito (1999), introduces an ethnic identity process model by Phinney (1990) to explain two basic conflicts minority groups must negotiate (see page 43-44).

Additionally, as presented through the various videos, Hispanic and Latino Americans Americanization identity is defined through stereotypes and imageries of being "illegal" and "undocumented" immigrant, which defines the Americanization experiences. How prevalent are these labels in today's political and social cultures relating to "building a wall" and DACA

• As the fastest growing ethnic minority group, it is projected Hispanic Americans will become the new majority group by year 2050. Since White maintain the American wealth-majority, what does the new majority status for Hispanics truly mean? How does this narrative fit into Freire's discussion on the fear of the oppressor losing dominance over the oppressed?

• Language and culture are essential to what Freire references as a people's humanity. How do you imagine your life would change if you were not permitted to speak your native language, and was expected to speak some other language? What if a police officer stopped you for no apparent reason and asked you for citizenship proof? How would these experiences affect your authenticity of being and feeling American?


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o Include only your name in a header to begin your critical writing at the top one-inch margin.

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