
How does this filmarticle connect or relate to our class

Watch and write a reaction paper to Dope Sick Love (youtube, 7 parts)

You MUST include 4 components in your reaction paper, paper must be in ESSAY format, and it MUST be 350-500 words in length (or you will not get full credit for them). Please see Grading Rubric above for specific point breakdown:

1-2 sentence summary of what film/article was about.

How does this film/article connect or relate to our CLASS TOPICS AND DISCUSSIONS (this is REALLY important!!!) as well as to your own personal life?

What did you learn in this film in relation to ideas we have covered in class?

What was your reaction and opinion of the film/guest lecture and would you recommend it to future classes?

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Dissertation: How does this filmarticle connect or relate to our class
Reference No:- TGS01525772

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