
How does this apply to local law enforcement

Problem: You just completed watching the 2-part VICE video series covering a multitude of topics critical to being a Patrol Officer in 2021.  The panelists shared a wide variety of opinions on Defunding the Police, Systemic Racism, Promotional and Career Opportunities for Minority Officers, Excessive Force, CompStat etc. 

Create a discussion posting below by clicking in the reply box, and explain what was the single most impactful topic and point of view to you.  Your discussion post should include the following:

Summary of the statement

Who said it

Why you chose this item for your assignment

How does this apply to local Law Enforcement (Do you think it is prevalent locally, nationally, both)?  Can this improve the relationship between Law Enforcement and the Community we serve, or is it working against that goal?

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Other Subject: How does this apply to local law enforcement
Reference No:- TGS03372925

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