
How does the work in your profession connect with your

Your objective is to answer the question:

Why is the career path I have chosen an intelligent decision?

To address this in a clear and convincing way, take a close look at who you are and where you plan to go in the future.

This assignment provides an opportunity to explore and report on your career interests, personal suitability and job prospects.

Please follow the format outlined below. Your report should be single-spaced, include a cover page and references to any sources you use should be documented in APA style.

1. Self-Assessment: In part one you evaluate your personality, skills, and values.

a) Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II) provides a free mini-version of their personalityinstrument - answer 71 questions and receive an assessment of your temperament type- in a five to six sentence paragraph, reflect on the results in terms of how accurate you feelthe assessment is

b) give some thought to you skills and rank them according to the following criteria: problemsolving;teamwork/cooperation; leadership/supervision; client/customer service;communication; and resource management - prioritize your responses by beginning withthe skill you feel is the strongest and write a one sentence explanation for each

c) list the five values that are most important to you - there are many values to consider andchoose from - for example: family; autonomy; accuracy; diversity; integrity; beauty;compassion; wealth; wisdom; tradition; virtue; restraint; independence; reliability; loyalty;innovation; accountability, and so on - in order of priority, explain in a couple of sentenceswhy each value is important to you, i.e. write two sentences re. each value

2. Career Plan: In the second part of the assignment you undertake some research into the career you're considering pursuing and answer the following question. Write a five to six sentence paragraph for each of your answers to a), d), and e). Shorter responses are fine for b) and c),but make sure they're informative and substantive.

a) how does the work in your profession connect with your personality, skills, and values?
b) what are the outcomes for the program in which you are currently enrolled?
c) what is the most recent labour market information about your profession including jobavailability and wages?
d) what obstacles might you face in achieving your educational and career goal - how will youmanage these obstacles?
e) what will be your next steps after completing your studies at Douglas College?

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Dissertation: How does the work in your profession connect with your
Reference No:- TGS01523162

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