
How does the work help us better value goodness


Spend some time reflecting, from a Christian Perspective about Homer's The Iliad

Steps in the Process

Read the work several times (maybe read parts of it aloud) making note of the features that seem particularly beautiful, inspiring, emotional, meaningful, or true. Consider the following questions:

How does the work help us better value goodness?

How does the work help us better understand Truth?

How does the work help us better recognize and appreciate beauty? Need Assignment Help?

Focus your thoughts into an argument about how the work of literature helps us better understand those aspects (listed directly above) of the Christian faith.

Compose a thesis-driven, organized ppr presenting your argument and using textual support for your points.


Although your ppr will be thesis-driven, it is not a literary analysis. Do not simply pick a theme or a literary device and make an argument about that aspect of the work.

You should not do any significant research on the literary work, since the assignment is on your own reflections about it.

The only sources that should be used will be the literary work itself and possibly the Bible (though that is not required).

What you want to focus on will be how the chosen work of literature presents (and help us to value) goodness, truth, and beauty. Those Christian virtues should be the key points you discuss in the ppr

Should be composed in third person perspective.

Style and Length

MLA format 1000-1500 words.

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Reference No:- TGS03444607

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