
How does the tutorial define ego is this different from

Assignment: Activity Exploring Kinship

Be sure to note the due date and time and plan accordingly.

Brian Schimmer at the University of Manitoba has developed a very popular resource known as the Kinship Tutorial. You will be using this website and your textbook to answer the questions listed below.

Kinship and Social Organization: An Interactive Tutorial

Before starting this tutorial, I would highly recommend that you make sure you write down and review all the following terms. Most of them should be in the glossary for this course. You can also find them in this tutorial. You do not have to turn this part in. This is just a helpful reminder to help you prepare for Test #2.

For Test #2, you are permitted to use one page of notes front and back with all of these definitions. I realize that this is based on the honor system, but it has been my experience that if you have one page of notes with these terms you can still finish the exam in a timely manner.

Terminology Review

Affinal Relatives



Omaha System

Serial Monogamy

Ambilineal descent

Double descent


Parallel cousins






Sudanese System


Eskimo System




Bilateral descent




Unilineal descent


Fictive Kinship



Woman Exchange

Cognatic Descent

Hawaiian System




Horizontal and vertical function of kinship


Postpartum Sex

Consanguineal relatives

Iroquois System


Preferential Cousin Marriage

Crow System




Questions to answer and submit for this activity using the above Kinship Tutorial:

1. How does the tutorial differentiate between matrilineal, patrilineal, and bilateral kinship systems?

2. How does the tutorial define EGO? Is this different from your book? Explain and give definitions from both this site and your textbook. Cite your textbok.

3. What are the kinship symbols used in the tutorial for drawing a kinship diagram? Is this different from your book? Explain.

4. Review the different kinship systems and then choose one that is close to your own family (Be sure to review the word kinship system..bilateral is not a kinship system). Explain which kinship systems best describes your family and why. Briefly diagram your family two generations back. There are some great websites that help you make a family tree or you can just try to do it in word or paint or powerpoint and include it in your answers. Some student just use word to do this.Please make sure to include your name, my name, and course number on your diagram.

5. Choose one indigenous peoples from the tutorial (See ethnographic examples). You do not have to go outside this tutorial to do this assigment.

6. How is lineage passed?

7. What type of marriage system do they have?

8. What is their pattern of residence?

9. After reading these two chapters and reviewing the tutorial, what surprised you the most about kinship?Explain.

10. Why do you think it is important to understand nature of kinship and family when working with other cultures? Explain. Write at least a 5 sentence answer to this question. You must cite your textbook in this answer.

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Dissertation: How does the tutorial define ego is this different from
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