
How does the subject matter in this article tie in with at

a. Find a marketing article related to your interest in a business periodical such as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, New York Times, The Economist, etc. There are many topics to select from current events. Are you interested in health, fashion, auto, sports, athletics, etc? You can write about these and other stories but the article must come from a traditional business periodical. Last minute onlinesearches will not work well for this assignment as there is usually not enough information to answer all four questions below well.

b. Write a 3-page paper in response to the following questions:

1. What is the main theme/topic of the article and why is it important to managers?

2. As a manager, how would you implement or use what you've learned from this article once you are working in the "real world?" Would this even work in the real world?

3. Do you agree with everything in this article? If so, why? If not, what would you change?

4. How does the subject matter in this article tie in with at least three topics or concepts that are reviewed in the textbook? Define each concept and explain why these ideas, strategies, etc., best illustrate the term or concept. Elaborate or talk about this aspect. Simply mentioning the term or concept is not sufficient. Define and discuss it.

Read the sample Business Article Review to understand the caliber of work required for this assignment (see link above).

Upload the paper to the above link, "Business Article Review." Under the "Assignment Submission" area, 'browse through your computer' and attach your paper. Blackboard's SafeAssign reviews each submission for plagiarism. All quotations, phrases, ideas, etc. must be cited. You can review your paper for errors twice before you submit. SafeAssign will indicate the areas that are plagiarized and cite your source. Be sure to cite sources using APA (see Purdue Online Writing Lab for assistance). Each paper must be no less than 2 1/2 fully-developed pages and no more than 3. This is the equivalent of approximately 950 - 1,100 words. Use 12 pt. font, 1" margins, and double space the paper.

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Marketing Management: How does the subject matter in this article tie in with at
Reference No:- TGS01624433

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