
How does the sow affect administration of the contract

Assignment: Statement of Work- Product-Based

in the Burt, Petcavage, and Pinkerton text refers to creating a statement of work (SOW). Imagine that you need to hire a consultant to identify and provide production recommendations for a product-based firm. Create a SOW for the consultant that meets the criteria set forth and discuss why you chose to include that content. In addition, answer these four questions:

1. What is the primary objective of the SOW?
2. Why is it essential to differentiate between the primary objective and subordinate objectives while developing the SOW?
3. How does the SOW affect administration of the contract?
4. Describe the balancing act required when developing the SOW. Give two examples.


• Your essay will require:

o An organizational structure that includes: an introduction section, a conclusion section, and individual sections that address each of the components in a SOW for a product/firm based on a manufacturing industry (such as vehicles), and individual sections that answer the four additional questions, above.

• Write a 3- to 4-page paper (page count doesn't include the required title and reference pages).

• APA guidelines

• support your analysis with at least four scholarly references.

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Business Management: How does the sow affect administration of the contract
Reference No:- TGS02326264

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