
How does the sale of goods law and ipr interact


1. A quick dabble on Google about advertising and television will bring forth the phrase that TV is in it's "Golden Age", yet while there are great TV shows being produced, there are a rather large amount of terrible commercials. I know we can all quote or recall an auto sales commercial where the guy is in a cheesy-plaid sports coat, and the footage looks like it was recorded with the first ever video camera or flip phone. WHY? We have 12 year olds who can produce a better quality video yet these companies, with whatever budget they have, settle for something so heinous (not really) and are suprised when they never make it as big as the super lot down the road. Most TV series have invested heavily in the production of their commercials. Investment isn't always money, but time, resources, people and emotion.

Why is there such a high number of low quality advertisement, in 2014, for the small, upcoming business, of any kind? I think the answer lies in attitudes of those in leadership. Consider this: a person number 1 placed in a leadership role in a business only knows advertising by means of putting the name of the company on a sign and putting it on the road... not the best strategy. Then you have person number 2 who knows of advertisement by posters and signs, as well as web pages and social media; I think person number 2 will have the best success because they have a bigger creativity pool to dip it. Simply, I think the problem is that there are more leaders with less creativity who run the marketing production and in turn, you gets junk ads like the overweight car salesman in the 1980's looking commercial. We NEED more creative minds in our leadership roles to ensure that we not only stay ahead of the advertising curve, but but can bring fresh new ideas when the next advertising challenge comes around.

2.According to this week's lecture a research question is considered what you want to find out in your research. Original research means that you are collecting and analyzing data specifically collected to answer "research questions" that haven't been previously answered. A hypothesis is a statement of the business problem you're investigating in your research as well as your "best guess" about why the problem is happening. Your guess should be educated; that is, it should be informed by your literature review, research you've already performed on the topic, or other sources. In the text we are reading it states, "Defining the problem (including the generation of a research question or hypothesis) is one of the first key steps of the scientific method. If business researchers want to understand or predict a behavior, they must be able to describe and define what that behavior is (Landrum, 2014)."

Therefore I am going to create my question based on a problem at one of the current places I am working.

RQ: Why have we currently had 7 employees quit FOYBS in the last 6 months?

H: Employees are quitting FOYBS because the company recently had to cut back on benefits.

Baltessen, J. (2012, October 11). How to create a research question [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BObOQHvvFQ

AshfordScience. (2013, July 10). How to formulate a hypothesis [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp2fbzWZDmA

Landrum, R. E. (2014). Research methods for business: Tools and applications. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

3.The citation in APA format:

Thomas, S. (2012). Goods with embedded software: Obligations under Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979. International Review Of Law, Computers & Technology, 26(2/3), 165-183. doi:10.1080/13600869.2012.698454The article's research question.

The article's research question:

How does the sale of goods law and IPR interact via the implied terms on title under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (‘SGA')?

The article's hypothesis:

The sale of goods law and IPR interact because the IPR is embedded with goods.

A brief description, in your own words, about how the article answered the research question and tested the hypothesis:

The beginning of the article states that the research question is debatable however since the IPR are not actually tangible they cannot be considered "goods" but due to the fact they hold embedded information on the software that is what would be classified as the "goods" so it can fall under this act.

Your evaluation of how well the study answered the question and tested the hypothesis:

In conclusion, I feel the conclusion of the article states profoundly the answer to the research question. "The nature of goods with embedded software indicates the focus of such transactions should be on buyers and sellers and not IPR holders, whose powers of control over the use of goods should be limited to claims against parties with whom they have immediate relationships (Thomas, 2012)."

4.Subject: HR Matters of Broad Concern - Employee Turnover


Research Question: What causes voluntary turnover?

Hypothesis: The largest effect on employee's job satisfaction and turnover is the shared attitudes with unit-level co-workers.

Description: This study collected data from over 5,000 employees in 175 business units that showed the link between job satisfaction and career trajectory. The research showed that employees that were out of step with their unit level co-workers had the biggest influence on overall turnover.

Evaluation: This study pulled together a significant amount of data to test

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