
How does the quantum dot bind to the antibodies and outline

Part 1

Question 1

a. Outline the Quantum Confinement effects in quantum wells

b. Outline the density of states for 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D systems (use solid state physics text book to aid you

Question 2

Outline top down and bottom up methods for the creation of nanomaterials: in your answer give an example of each and state the differences between them.

Question 3

Outline the use of nano gold in chemotherapy and outline Asbestos and possible nanotube parallels.

Part 2

Question 1

Outline three examples of unusual properties of Nanostructured materials

Question 2

Outline the density of states for 3D, 2D, 1D and 0D systems (use solid state physics text book to aid you. This question repeats that for question 1b. It is important that this question be covered thus is asked twice

Question 3

What is a quantum well: give an example of structure, growth method to make quantum wells and quantum states ie outline quantization using diagrams

Question 4

Is florescence useful as a tool to image biology (for example cancer cells)?. What is Surface Enhanced Fluorescence (SEF)?

Part 3

Question 1

Outline what you know about the electronic structure of graphene

Question 2

Outline two methods to make graphene

Question 3

Outline what you know about the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes

Question 4

Outline two methods to make carbon nanotubes

Question 5

Outline the fluorescence/emission processes in carbon nanotubes and how this emission can be used in biology for imaging

Question 6

Can carbon nanotubes be used to kill cancer cells

Part 4

Question 1

Outline what you know about Plasmonics (20 marks)

Question 2

Outline what you know about Raman spectroscopy and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Question 3

Outline what you know about SERS Microscopy (µSERS) and Selective and Sensitive Localization of Proteins in Tissue Specimens

Part 5

Question 1

How does size effect fluorescence or emission from quantum dots (10 marks)

Question 2

Outline two methods to make quantum dots (5 marks)

Question 3

Outline what you know about single quantum dot experiments for Nitride based quantum dot materials - as outlined in the lectures

Question 4

Outline how quantum dots can be applied to make Smart probes (10 marks)

Question 5

Outline how quantum dots can be applied to cancer imaging (20 marks)

Part 6

Answer the following by reading the 3 papers published this year.

Research PAPER 1

Write a short note using diagrams were possible

a) How does the device work

b) What role do the nanoparticles play

Research PAPER 2

Write a short note using diagrams were possible

a) How does the quantum dot bind to the antibodies ie quantum dots and anti-HER1 or anti-HER2/neu scFv antibodies

b) How do the quantum dot and antibodies when bound tighter interact with cultured tumor cells.

Research PAPER 3

a) Outline how semiconductor quantum dots coated with strands of DNA can self -assemble into a variety of structures

Research PAPER 4

a) How does graphene support Induced pluripotent stem cells culture
b) do different forms of graphene lead to distinct cell proliferation and differentiation characteristics

Research PAPER 5

a) Outline why the quantum dots are not toxic to the cell - how do the authors of the paper make the quantum dots non-toxic

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Physics: How does the quantum dot bind to the antibodies and outline
Reference No:- TGS0793917

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