
How does the profit motive affect the experiences of

100 word for part 1 &2

Part 1

Hello, class, in Week 2 we learned about legislature that set up Medicare and Medicaid in the 1960s. This stemmed from the Civil Rights movement and provided healthcare for the poor and for the elderly.

The push for some sort of national healthcare began much earlier. In the aftermath of the Great Depression, people had health needs but were largely unable to pay for care. As a response, many European countries set up national healthcare systems.

In America, this did not happen due to different stakeholder interests from politicians and labor unions. Weitz points out that the United States is the only more developed nation that does not guarantee affordable health care to its citizens. Nor...does it really have a health care system. Do you believe the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has addressed this issue? If so, how?

Part 2, in 100 words give feedback with reference on the bold part in paragraph

How does the profit motive affect the experiences of hospital patients and nursing home residents?

Many patients that live in nursing homes or hospital patients receive Medicare or Medicaid assistance. These facilities are mostly for profit and their fees are very high and the issue with the patients/residents is that the staff usually become like objects that are bought and sold.

The staff in these nursing homes are usually CNA's or LPN's and not Registered Nurses which allows the facilities to increase their profit by reducing the cost they spend on hiring and paying highly qualified individuals.

Many nursing homes as well as hospitals hire staff from other countries and the barriers in language as well as the different cultures cause patients to receive inadequate care and the conditions are not up to par.

The deficiency in Registered Nurses and other licensed healthcare workers contribute to the poor conditions of patients. The profit motive in healthcare can be very bad. It maximizes financial gain and doesn't always benefit the patient. This practice can also result in large amounts of fraud and abuse. We all know that healthcare costs in the U.S. are too high.

But is the profit motive the actual blame? When we debate healthcare costs in the U.S., we need to be clear on whether we are focusing on profits or instead on the simple fact that everyone in the healthcare industry. the US should better distinguish between health care related income and outright profit. No one should go bankrupt either paying for medical care or providing it.

Part 3 250words

2. Based on your textbook, compare the experiences of individuals seeking medical treatment in three different time periods. Where would someone seek treatment? How would health care providers interact with a patient? How would race and class affect patients' experiences?

Reference chapter 10
Weitz, R. (2010). The sociology of health, illness, and healthcare: A critical approach. (6th ed.). Boston, MA.: Cengage.

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