
How does the photography and music affect the setting


I. A. List and describe the main characters in the story. Are any of these characters added or deleted in the movie version?

B. Are the movie characters portrayed as you envisioned them while reading the book?

C. Is the movie version faithful to the author's description?

D. Is it better or worse in the movie? Explain.

E. What is the basic concern (conflict/problem) of the main character(s).in the book and is the situation resolved?

F. Is it presented that way in the movie or does the character(s) take on a different role? Explain.

II. A. Is the setting in the movie faithful to the author's description? Do you think it is better or does it lose something in the translation? Explain.

B. How does the photography and music affect the setting?

III. A. Is the movie plot faithful to the author's portrayal or is the emphasis different?

B. What event is the climax in each and how is it resolved in each version?

C. What was the author's primary message? Was it presented faithfully in the movie?

IV. A. Did you read the novel first and follow it up with the movie or did you approach it in reverse?

B. Did this approach hinder you or help you from understanding the story?

C. How would you approach it in the future?

V. Some people feel that reading a novel is unnecessary if one sees it in movie form. Give your opinion of this position, and explain the advantages and disadvantages you see in this approach.

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Essay Writing: How does the photography and music affect the setting
Reference No:- TGS03042045

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