
How does the information overlap


There are many valuable web resources for researching public and community health issues or diseases. Researching some national, state, and local government health agency websites will help you become familiar with accessible information. This will help you conduct research for future assignments.

Resource: Website Review and Website Review Table

Find national, state, and local governmental health agency websites that address the issue from the Article Review assignment.
Document your findings based on the University of Phoenix Material: Website Review.

• Preparea 10-12 slide Microsoft®PowerPoint®presentation with speaker notes to summarize your findings pertaining to your findings that includes the following:

• How does the information overlap?
• What type of structure do you see between levels of government?
• What functions do you see at each level of government?
• How do the levels of government work together?
• How would you define public and community health?
• Findings from article review in week one:

How long has it been a problem?
How has it affected the community?
How has the community responded?
Include at least three references.
Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.

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Other Subject: How does the information overlap
Reference No:- TGS02014448

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