
How does the imagery on the cups indicate that warfare


Let's consider artistic continuity and change. As you take notes on the presentation for Topic 2, consider the second analysis exercise regarding the pair of cups by Ehren Tool and the artistic team of Pamphaios and the Nikosthenes Painter. The question reads as follows:

While comparing these cups, consider the thousands of years that separates their creation. How does the imagery on the cups indicate that warfare has changed over the centuries? How does the imagery on the cups indicate that warfare has remained the same?

For our second group analysis, respond to the questions above. While you will no doubt have a ready opinion about warfare, the key here is to root your response in the details of the cups themselves.

In other words, base your response on what you see in these works of art, while at the same time allowing your opinions to shine through.

You may post a comment independent of other students' ideas, or you may add to the posts of other students as you work to acquire up to two points of discussion credit for participation in this Group Analysis.

If you have an opinion that is different from the opinions of your classmates-and you probably will-use respectful language in stating your ideas.

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Biology: How does the imagery on the cups indicate that warfare
Reference No:- TGS03186828

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