How does the global partnership education community help

Assignment task:

How does the global partnership education community help reach our chosen target: 4a - to build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability, and gender-sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive, and effective learning environments for all to assist in approving human dignity and common good? Consider 2-3 CST principles as well: Preferential option for the poor, Subsidiarity, Participation, Stewardship of Creation, Global Solidarity, Promotion of Peace, Universal purpose of goods but mainly common good and human dignity and connect it to target 4a.

- Write some key notes of Steele, W., & Rickards, L., "Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene" that links to common good and human dignity of target 4a.

Structure of feature article:

1. State a clear and focused thesis or proposition that you want to justify and defend:

2. Put at least two reasons (l need lots of reasons for common good) (one for human dignity) (make sure you mention the other CST principles) and why that thesis is true: what reasoning supports your thesis?

3. Consider one objection to your reasoning

4. Reply to each of those objections defending your thesis.

Conclusion: Consider why the article will matter to your reader, and why its message is Urgent and justify your choice of SDG target over any other from this SDG)

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Reference No:- TGS03440465

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