Write an essay outline using the question and the thesis statement below about discrimination and harassment at the workplace:
Question: How does the gender pay gap affect the morale within the workplace, specifically between those that are advantaged and disadvantaged?
Thesis Statement: The gender pay gap degrades the morale in a workplace due to decreased willingness to work in a superior position, projection of a superiority complex due to salary differences, and harassment stemming from the lack of economic opportunity.
Give four bullet points one would argue for each of the following:
A. Introduction?
B. How does decreased willingness to work in a superior position due to gender pay gap degrade the morale in a workplace? (with four bullet points)
C. How does projection of a superiority complex due to salary differences degrade the morale in a workplace? (with four bullet points)
D. How does harassment stemming from the lack of economic opportunity due to gender pay gap degrade the morale in a workplace? (with four bullet points)
E. Conclusion?