
How does the gap between ceo pay and the average employee

Research Proposal Project:

In groups of 3-4, students are expected to produce a research proposal and present their proposal to the class. Each component of the research proposal project is due at the start of class on the specified due date. A research proposal is a plan that:

1) describes a specific research question,

2) summarizes related studies and explains how the question relates to and expands on existing knowledge,

3) provides an economic model and data sources that can be used to answer the question, and

4) discusses why answering the question is important. The research proposals in this class are not constrained by the existence of real data or knowledge of econometric analysis, as groups are not required to actually carry out the research. This should allow for more creativity in the types of questions that would be interesting and important to answer.

Important: Research Proposal Topic: We already choose our topic, is: For our research proposal topic, we would like to research CEO pay. We are particularly interested in the large gap between the average CEO salary is significantly higher than the firms other employees, and how this gap affects labor decisions. We are also interested the salary increase, decrease, or stagnation of the CEO position in companies when the companies generate less profit or revenue under their leadership. So:

(1) How does the gap between CEO pay and the average employee pay affect firm performance?

(2) How does firm performance affect CEO compensation beyond what average employees make?
And we will focus on just gaps in baseline salary/wages/piece-rate pay.and we will focus on a type of firm.

3. Research Question and Literature Discussion: After choosing a topic, groups should begin reading related studies in order to understand existing research on the subject. Based on this information, the group will come up with a specific research question that differs from and expands on existing studies. Each group is expected to submit the specific research question (written as a full sentence at the top of the page), followed by an approximately 2-page discussion that relates the research question to existing findings. Proper citation of all sources is required.1 The write-up must include a minimum of 6 sources, of which 3 must be academic journal articles. A typed, hard copy should be submitted at the start of class, in addition to an electronic copy submitted via e-mail.

4. Research Proposal Presentation: Each group will give a 4-5 minute presentation of their research proposal. All group members must be present and speak during the presentation. The presentation should include a statement of the research question, a brief motivation of what the question adds to existing literature, an explanation of the appropriate economic model or framework for thinking about the question, a description of the specific variables and potential data sources needed to answer the question, and a discussion of why answering the question is important. Think about the presentation as a "sales pitch" to convince the audience to fund a study that would answer your research question. A final copy of slides is due on the presentation date. While only the final slides and verbal presentation will be graded, please note that a complete copy of the slides is due a minimum of five days prior to the presentation date Failure to submit a copy of the slides five days prior to the presentation date will result in an automatic 10-percentage point deduction from this portion of the grade.

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Other Management: How does the gap between ceo pay and the average employee
Reference No:- TGS01803362

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