
How does the five compass model see wilsons 1996 article

Discussion #1

Step 1) Consider the following: "Combining development and work makes even more sense if you believe the long-accepted maxim that there is a 70/20/10 formula that applies to leadership development. (That formula suggests that 70% of what you learn about leadership comes from on-the-job experiences.

Coaching from your boss and others gives you the next 20% and the final 10% comes from formal classroom development.) While those exact numbers can be debated, most would say it is directionally correct. Why, then, do organizations spend virtually no time trying to gain a higher return from the 70%, a minimal effort on the 20%, and focus most of their resources on the 10%?

Willie Sutton, the bank robber, explained that he robbed banks "because that's where the money is." Willie's statement is humorous, but he makes a valuable point.

Applying that primitive logic, it becomes more obvious that you receive a much greater benefit from the time, energy, and effort you spend building development into your job than on the time you spend on anything else. For example, job-related feedback from a 360-degree instrument is a powerful tool to help combine development with work. Like Willie, you should focus your effort directly on the largest payoff at hand.

Step 2) Read the following article: Throw Your Old Plan Away: 6 New Ways to Build Leadership Development into Your Job

Step 3) Answer the following questions below using question and answer (Q&A) format; in other words, include the original question along with your response. Within your post, support your responses with information from the background materials or reputable outside sources and provide the full citation at the end. Use APA format for your references. Bring in your own personal experiences, readings, and research, where applicable.

a. Do you agree with applying the 70/20/10 formula to leadership development? Why or why not?

b. What are at least 4 ways organizations can support and reinforce coaching efforts with on-the-job experiences? Be very specific and give examples of where you have seen this happen in your own work experience-or conversely where your professional development was thwarted because the organization did not coordinate coaching and job experiences.

Step 4) Respond to at least 4 other posts over the course of the two weeks. If you disagree with their opinions, respectfully explain why. A simple post without checking back and engaging others does not contribute very much to an ongoing discussion of these issues.

Discussion #2

Week 1:

What is the difference between "Strategic Leadership" and "Strategic Management"? Using an actual organization in which you now work - or have worked previously - give several examples as to how the processes differ.

Week 2:

How does the Five Compass Model (see Wilson's 1996 article included in the Background readings) inform our understanding of "Strategic Leadership" generally, and the role of top leadership in setting the long-term strategic direction of an organization more specifically?

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