
How does the degree of refraction change with wavelength


1. 8O17 and 8O16 are examples of

a. isotopes
b. ions
c. elements
d. balloons

2. What is the light-gathering power of the 10 meter Keck reflector relative to the 2 meter telescope that TSU runs?

a. 2
b. 5
c. 25
d. 100
e. 8

3. What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation whose frequency is 106 cycles per second(106HZ or 1000 kHz, the frequency of ordinary AM radio)?

a. 300 meters
b. 3 mm
c. 30 meters
d. 3 meters
e. 3 cm

4. Why is a sunflower yellow?

a. It emits yellow light
b. It absorbs yellow light
c. It emits infrared light
d. It absorbs infrared light
e. It reflects yellow light

5. A first quarter moon is

a. is more than half illuminated and getting more of it surface illuminated from night to night
b. is more than half illuminated and getting less of it surface illuminated from night to night
c. is less than half illuminated and getting more of it surface illuminated from night to night
d. is less than half illuminated and getting less of it surface illuminated from night to night
e. is half illuminated

6. Compare reflecting telescopes and refracting telescopes.

a. a reflecting telescope uses a lens to collect light and has chromatic aberration
b. a refracting telescope uses a lens to collect light and has chromatic aberration.
c. a reflecting telescope uses a mirror to collect light, and is only supported at the edges.
d. a refracting telescope uses a mirror to collect light, and is only supported at the edges.
e. none of the above.

7. What part of the electromagnetic spectrum is between visible light and x-rays?

a. gamma rays
b. infrared
c. radio
d. ultraviolet
e. microwaves

8. 8O17 has

a. 17 protons and 8 neutrons
b. 8 protons and 17 neutrons
c. 8 protons and 9 neutrons
d. 9 protons and 8 neutrons
e. 8 protons and 17 electrons

9. In terms of wavelengths, gamma rays are

a. the shortest wavelength electromagnetic wave
b. intermediate between X rays and ultraviolet waves
c. the longest wavelength electromagnetic waves
d. intermediate between radio and infrared waves
e. intermediate between visible and ultraviolet

10. The Earth and the Moon are held together by the force of gravity, according to Newton's Third Law of Motion,

a. The force felt by the moon is a little grater than the force felt by the Earth.
b. The force felt by the Moon is much greater than the force felt b the Earth
c. The force felt by the Moon is a little less than the force felt by the Earth
d. The force felt by the Moon is much less than the force felt by the Earth.
e. The force felt by the Moon is equal to the force felt by the Earth.

11. When Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon, the Moon is

a. up all day.
b. up all night.
c. up half the day, then half the night.
d. up half the night, then half the day.

12. A refracting telescope is the type which uses as its main optical element

a. a lens
b. a mirror
c. a prism of glass
d. a combination of many small plane mirrors
e. a parabolic metal dish

13. Purple light has higher frequency than orange light. Thus an orange light photon has

a. higher energy and shorter wavelength than purple light
b. higher energy and longer wavelength than purple light
c. lower energy and shorter wavelength than purple light
d. lower energy and longer wavelength than purple light
e. the same energy but shorter wavelength than purple light

14. A lunar eclipse will occur

(a) at every full Moon.
(b) during every new Moon.
(c) at full Moon only when the Moon is on the ecliptic.
(d) at new Moon only when the Moon is on the ecliptic.

15. You are more likely to see a __________ eclipse in your lifetime, because they are

(a) solar; more common than lunar eclipses.
(b) solar; seen over a greater area of Earths surface than lunar eclipses.
(c) lunar; more common than solar eclipses.
(d) lunar; seen over a greater area of Earths surface than solar eclipses.

16. According to Newton's Second Law of motion, for a given constant force

a. acceleration is independent of mass
b. speed decreases for heavy things
c. heavy objects have a higher value of acceleration than light objects.
d. heavy object and light objects move at the same speed
e. heavy objects have a lower value of acceleration than light objects.

17. Red light has a wavelength of about 700 nm and blue light has a wavelength of about 450nm.

a. Red light has a higher frequency and a red light photon has a higher energy than blue light.
b. Red light has a lower frequency and a red light photon has a higher energy than blue light.
c. Red light has a higher frequency and a red light photon has a lower energy than blue light.
d. Red light has a lower frequency and a red light photon has a lower energy than blue light.
e. Red light photons and blue light photons have the same amount of energy

18. We put telescopes in space because

a. ultraviolet light is stopped by the Earths atmosphere
b. x-rays are stopped by the Earth's atmosphere
c. the atmosphere spreads out the light from an image and we loose details
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.

19. How many days does it take to go from a new moon to a first quarter moon.

a. about 1 day
b. about 2 days
c. about 7 days
d. about 10 days
e. about 14 days

20. When the Moon is in between the Sun and Earth, the Moon is

a. new.
b. full.
c. first quarter.
d. last quarter.

21. A reflecting telescope is the type which uses as its main optical element

a. a lens
b. a mirror
c. a prism of glass
d. a combination of many small plane mirrors
e. a parabolic metal dish

22. A Waning Crescent is

a. is more than half illuminated and getting more of it surface illuminated from night to night
b. is more than half illuminated and getting less of it surface illuminated from night to night
c. is less than half illuminated and getting more of it surface illuminated from night to night
d. is less than half illuminated and getting less of it surface illuminated from night to night
e. is half illuminated

23. If the Earth were moved to 3 AU from the Sun, then the force of gravity between the Earth and the Sun would be

a. the same
b. 3 times as much as before.
c. 9 times as much as before.
d. 1/3 as much as before.
e. 1/9 as much as before.

24. A new moon rises at

a. noon
b. midnight
c. sunrise
d. sunset
e. the western horizon

25. In what part of the electromagnetic spectrum do the biggest telescopes on Earth operate?

a. radio
b. infrared
c. visible
d. ultraviolet
e. X-rays

26. A solar eclipse will occur

(a) at every full Moon.
(b) during every new Moon.
(c) at full Moon only when the Moon is on the ecliptic.
(d) at new Moon only when the Moon is on the ecliptic.

27. In a reflecting telescope, the main (primary) light collecting part is

a. a lens at the top and a mirror at the bottom of the telescope
b. a lens at the front of the telescope.
c. a mirror at the front of the telescope.
d. a lens at the bottom of the telescope.
e. a mirror at the bottom of the telescope.

28. Compare the gravitational attraction between two 100 kg tuba players that are 1 m apart and a 100 kg tuba player and a 50 kg flutist that are 1 m apart. (Assume spherical musicians. The force of gravity is

a. 2 as much between the tubaists as between the tubaist and the flutist.
b. ½ as much between the tubaists as between the tubaist and the flutist.
c. ¼ as much between the tubaists as between the tubaist and the flutist.
d. the same as between the tubaists as between the tubaist and the flutist.
e. Not enough information

29. The Hubble Space Telescope obtains higher-resolution images than most ground-based telescopes because it is

a. sensitive to the infrared.
b. above the Earth's atmosphere
c. much closer to the stars
d. larger
e. magnifies the image more

30. A pool ball at rest stays still unless hit by a stick. Once moving, it keeps rolling until it hits a ball or a bumper. The previous statement is an example of

a. Newton's 1st law of motion.
b. Newton's 2nd law of motion.
c. Newton's 3rd law of motion.
d. Newton's Law of gravity
e. Newton's Law of trajectory

31. Thanks to interferometry,

a. We can understand certain football penalties.
b. We can achieve a small resolving angle, and see very fine detail with one telescope
c. We can achieve a large resolving angle, and see very fine detail with one telescope
d. We can achieve a small resolving angle, and see very fine detail with a group of telescopes
e. We can achieve a large resolving angle, and see very fine detail with a group of telescopes

32. Pretend that a cube of ice with a mass of 3 kg is pushed on be a force of 6 N across a very smooth surface. The acceleration in this case is

a. 0.5 m/s2
b. 2 m/s2
c. 3 m/s2
d. 6 m/s2
e. 18 m/s2

33. An asteroid is discovered at an average distance of 4 AU from the Sun. What is the orbital period of the asteroid?

a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 8 years
e. 16 years

34. What is the weight of a 70 kg baseball player?

a. 690 N
b. 980 N
c. 70 N
d. 70 kg
e. 8 N

35. Suppose that two stars are separated in the sky by 0.1 arc-second. If you look at them with a telescope that has an angular resolution of 0.5 arc-second, what will you see?

a. one area of light that is the blurred images of both stars
b. one blurred image and two distinct images
c. two distinct stars
d. nothing at all.
e. it depends on the wavelength range of the telescope.

36. Suppose an object is moving in a straight line at 59 km/hr. According to Newton's first law of motion, the object will

a. continue to move in the some way forever, no matter what happens.
b. continue to move in the same way until it is acted upon by a force.
c. eventually slow down and come to a stop.
d. continue to move in a straight line forever if it is in space, but fall to the ground if is is on Earth.
e. continue to move around the sun in an ellipse.

37. During a total solar eclipse,

(a) the Moon turns reddish in color.
(b) you can see the outer layers of the Sun around the disk of the Moon.
(c) it gets dark in the middle of the day.
(d) More than one of the above occurs.

38. Which parts of a car will accelerate it?

a. the gas pedal
b. the brake
c. the steering wheel
d. both answers a and b.
e. answers a, b, and c.

39. If the Earth were magically moved to 3 AU the force of Gravity between the Earth and the un would be

a. 3 times as much
b. 9 times as much
c. 1/3 times as much
d. 1/9 times as much

40. Which is true?

a. Mass is a force and weight is a property that depends only on you.
b. Mass is a measure of how hard is it is to stop you.
c. Weight and mass are both forces.
d. Weight is always less than mass.
e. Mass and weight have no relationship between each other.

41. Compare your weight on the Earth with your weight on Planet X which has a radius the same  as the Earth but one half the mass of the Earth.

a. You would weigh 2 times more on the Earth than on Planet X
b. You would weigh 2 times more on Planet X than on the Earth
c. You would weigh 4 times more on the Earth than on Planet X
d. You would weigh 4 times more on Planet X than on the Earth
e. None of the above are even close

42. How does the degree of refraction change with wavelength?

a. Short wavelength red light is bent more than longer wavelength blue light.
b. Short wavelength blue light is bent more than longer wavelength red light.
c. Short wavelength red light is bent less than longer wavelength blue light.
d. Short wavelength blue light is bent less than longer wavelength red light.
e. All colors of light are bent the same.

43. According to the universal law of gravitation, the force due to gravity is

a. not dependent on the distance between objects.
b. directly proportional to the square of the distance between objects.
c. inversely proportional to the square of the distance between objects.
d. inversely proportional to the distance between objects.
e. directly proportional to the distance between objects.

44. Compare reflecting telescopes and refracting telescopes.

a. a reflecting telescope uses a lens to collect light and has chromatic aberration
b. a refracting telescope uses a lens to collect light and has chromatic aberration.
c. a reflecting telescope uses a mirror to collect light, and is only supported at the edges.
d. a refracting telescope uses a mirror to collect light, and is only supported at the edges.
e. none of the above.

45. O+ and O2+ are examples of

a. isotopes
b. ions
c. elements
d. balloons

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Science: How does the degree of refraction change with wavelength
Reference No:- TGS03178805

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