How does the constitution simultaneously limits the input


The individuals who drafted the United States Constitution sought to establish a political system with a strong central government and a limited role for the general public who they did not really trust. At the same time, they also understood that to get the Constitution implemented, they would need the support of the general public and the state legislators who would inevitably influence the public's reaction. As a result, they drafted a document that simultaneously limited the input of the public and that the public and State legislatures thought empowered them. In other words, the Constitution is filled with contradictions.

How does the Constitution simultaneously (i) limits the input of the public; (ii) undermines the power of the states; and (iii) enabled the public and States to think that they were going to control the new federal government. In your essay you should highlight the most important provisions for accomplishing these three (i, ii, and iii) things.

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