
How does the company treat its employees


A research assignment during which you will develop an outline and analysis of the company of your choice, using the resources of the Library, including both print and electronic media. The project is due in three parts, An abstract, due 09/21/14, CP-1 due at mid-term, and CP-2, due at the end of the semester.


1. The abstract is due on the date shown on the syllabus. ....I NEED IN 12 HOURS..DUE TOMORROW)

2. Grade: the abstract is worth 50 points

Abstract requirements:

1. The abstract must be a MAXIMUM of one page long

2. It MUST be single spaced


1. Name of company chosen for the research assignment.

2. An annotated list of works cited. A minimum of five sources must be listed, and must include at least two NON-internet sources.

3. A brief outline of the reseach paper. The outline must include a brief summary of the information to be included in the report, but not the actual information!

Specifications for CP-1 SHOULD FOCUS ON THE FOUNDING AND HISTORY OF THE COMPANY: Company profile......due in a couple weeks

1. Full name of company and location of headquarters office.

2. Brief history of the organization, to include:

Founder, location, and date incorporated.

3. Original business and major products

4. History of company including major events such as product introductions, takeovers, mergers, expansions and other events which have shaped the company.

5. Current overview:

6. Mission statement/corporate philosphy

7. Major products and/or services

8. Senior Mgnt including a brief profile of the CEO and other significant personnel

9. Organization of the corporation- departments, divisions, and subsidiaries.

10. Strategic ventures

11. Operations and resources

12. Geographic markets served - US and International

Specifications for CP-2-FOCUS SHOULD BE STATUS OF THE COMPANY AT THE PRESENT TIME: ( Due at end of semester) Current situation analysis and projections for future growth

1. Number of employees, how does the company treat its employees - for example what kinds of programs or employee benefits does the company offer?

2. Union involvement ( if any)?

3. Law suits involving the company.

4. Current ownweahip ( top five major stockholders)

5. Financial data for the past three years and brief analysis.

6. Income Statement

7. Balance Sheet

8. Stock Prices

9. Current marketing strategy

10. Corporate projections/plans for the future.

11. Financial growth

Marketing plans and industry projections.

12. Managerial objectives

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Marketing Management: How does the company treat its employees
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