
How does the chosen game or simulation apply to other


Responses must be 150 words

Respond to posts regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions:

•What did you learn from the posting?

•What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?

•What clarification do you need regarding the posting?

•What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates' postings?

•Ask each other questions about why the specific game or simulation was selected.

•How does the chosen game or simulation apply to other situations?

•What are the differences or similarities in the specific game or simulation you selected compared to those identified by others?

•Analyze your classmates' chosen game or simulation. Do you agree or disagree with the choice? Why or why not? Provide examples where possible.

•What are the differences or similarities in the learning content objectives for your training session compared to those identified by others?

Your reply posts should be a minimum of 150-250 words each.

1. Honing in on leadership objectives before creating training is essential in designing the training (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). Precise leadership objectives for the leadership development training session entail schooling trainees on the significance of effective interpersonal interaction, as well as educating trainees of the significance of comprehending and using the feedback provided by subordinates. Various games and game-like tools exist for the purpose of assisting in the training of trainees. Training via gamification is one of the most common ways to train employees today (Leaman, 2014). A game that can be used to help accomplish the learning objective is a game by the name of guide the blind.

Guide the blind is a game which consists of one leader being charged with the task of leading a subordinate (who has his or her eyes blindfolded) through a room which is filled with obstacles and objects. Both the leader and the subordinate in this case would be trainees. The leader would have to accomplish guiding the blindfolded subordinate through the room without touching the individual and by only using words. The blindfolded trainee can only walk and listen and may not rely on tactile senses or speak. Accomplishing this goal as quickly as possible while ensuring that the trainee does not bump into any objects is the aim of the game. Everyone should have the chance to be the leader and the subordinate in order that everyone can understand what it is like to be in the position of a leader and the position of a subordinate. The game is crucial in demonstrating the importance of communication as well as feedback.

2. Leadership is also indicated by behaviors reflected by values. Examples include being very supportive and helpful when someone has a problem, being fair when distributing rewards and benefits, being open and honest when communicating to people, making sacrifices to benefit others, talking about the importance of values, setting clear ethical standards for the work, keeping actions consistent with espoused values, and holding people accountable for ethical and unethical actions. Leadership is the quality of guidance and a positive influence provided by the workers superior within the office.

A game designed for the leadership is very important because you can use real business scenarios and models so employees can be more hands on and engaged. Before beginning the game and at its conclusion, point out to the trainees what the learning objectives are and how the game relates to the objectives (Blanchard & Thacker2013). In these training I would like to introduce a game that involves role playing and behavior modeling. These will contribute to building skills and developing abilities for employees. Games and simulations do a good job of developing skills in the workplace as they simulate the important conditions and situations that occur on the job. Furthermore, they allow the trainees to practice the skill and they provide feedback about the appropriateness of the trainee's actions (Blanchard & Thacker2013). The game implemented in the training will be a team building game which involves employees doing karaoke. They will have to come up with a dance and a song and present it to the class. Also the leadership portion of the training will consist of speaking to someone with your back towards them and reflecting all of their positive values once they tell you a story about their life.


Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013).Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

3. Consider your best workplace learning experience. Describe the training delivery method(s) used and identify the factors that contributed to making it an effective workplace learning experience.

The best workplace learning experience I had was working at the bank. The training delivery methods they used were first the instructor led-training while a computer-based training as well. So we would reenact situation that have happened in the workplace with other employees and react them as our own. They were a scoring guide that would insist us if we were correct and suggested alternatives if we weren't. During the computer-based training, the instructor would also train use with the computer on a projection screen. I was literally get trained at the same time two different ways. According to Cuevas, H. M., & Fiore, S. M. (2014), training should be targeted at facilitating learners' ability to effectively integrate differing knowledge components and apply this newly acquired knowledge in a variety of dynamic task-relevant scenarios (Cuevas et al. 2002; Fiore et al. 2002, 2003).

Then, consider your worst workplace learning experience. Describe the training delivery method(s) used and identify the factors that contributed to making it an ineffective workplace learning experience.

The worst workplace learning experience I had was as an administrative assistant at a construction company. For people who are knowledgeable with fax machines, copiers, etc. it may be easier for them to understand how to do certain functions. At the time, I was straight out of high school and still learning about computers and other machinery. I did not receive adequate training and was just put there to work. Considering the no training for the position it took twice as long for me to write an email a specific way, or handle phone calls the way it needed to be. It made everyone including myself get frustrated which could have lowered the company's morale.

Discuss what you would suggest making each workplace learning experience more effective.

Some suggestions are as follow;

• Continuous training for new employees as well as prior employees.
• The work place training should be enlightening, fun, and update with technology.
• Work place learning should be designed as per the need and pace of an individual. It should never
• Work place learning should have a human contact in order to ask questions and not all through computer-based.
• Workplace learning should always be a priority for a new employer not matter the industry.


Cuevas, H. M., & Fiore, S. M. (2014). Enhancing learning outcomes in computer-based training via self-generated elaboration. Instructional Science, 42(6), 839-859. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11251-014-9315-8

4. Training can be different for every company. Some companies have great programs and some may not. This student has experienced many types of training when starting a new job. Saks and Burke-Smalley (2014) stated, "Transfer of training was positively related to firm performance and mediated the relationship between training methods and firm performance" (p. 104). The company I currently work with probably has the best training program I have experienced. The training program is in the classroom, computer based, live training, and also practice or skill testing. There is a great variety or types of training methods used to make sure the needs of all learners are met. For instance, this student is a hands on learner, I have to do the job in order to understand what I really need to do, not to mention my retention is great to where I can remember what I learn just by doing it.

The worse job training this student has had was where there was no training and she had to train herself. I worked for a company which was going downhill. People were leaving left and right because the company was not succeeding. Although, this student did not stay long, she stayed long enough to train herself to do everything in the administrative side of the company, including some areas in shipping and receiving. Self-training can be great because there is pretty much no one telling you what to do. The good thing is the company had a great tech support company which helped quite a bit in teaching how to use the computer programs. While she was there she learned there were many parts of the software which were not used and could defiantly help the company with inventory control, which she got started while there. This helped the owner with inventory and helped with less waste in the inventory. This was not very effective if there were multiple people working there.

The first experience I would not change anything, it is working great. The needs of all types of learners are being met. As for the second experience since there was not many people working there, the owner needed to be able to train whomever she hired and not just tell someone here is the computer and passwords, go for it. The office needs to be more organized for employees and customers.


Saks, A. M., & Burke-Smalley, L. A. (2014). Is transfer of training related to firm performance?. International Journal Of Training & Development, 18(2), 104-115. doi:10.1111/ijtd.12029.

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Business Management: How does the chosen game or simulation apply to other
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