
How does the book change the way one should think about the

Work hard on making your book review very readable to a general audience - it should flow well and be written nicely. Many peer-reviewed journals publish book reviews, check a few of these out to get a feel for the writing style.

You should have an introduction, discussion of the book, and clear conclusion (although these do not have to be broken into explicit sections - you can write this like an essay). Include:

(1) The title and author of the book you are reviewing - full APA citation

(2) The author's objective(s) and audience

(3) A discussion of the author's main contentions/arguments

(4) Your evaluation of the author's support of his arguments (provide examples)

(5) An example of the type of sources utilized, and the methods the author employs in choosing and organizing those sources

(6) Your evaluation of the author's interpretation and success with his/her objectives in writing the book (provide examples)

(7) Comparison with other books or sources if appropriate

(8) An assessment of the strong points or short comings of the book

(9) How does the book change the way one should think about the subject (or about debate issues in public health)

(10) Your conclusions about the book

(11) You can rate the book with a number of stars (similar to Amazon) out of 5 possible if you would like, but this is not mandatory.

Be sure to put any quotes from the book in quotation marks and to cite any sources used.

You will be assessed for writing (grammar, proper formatting, meeting the word allotment of 1,000 words -) and analysis (critical assessment of book ).

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