
How does the availability of venture capital impact the

Assignment: Technology Transfer Research Paper

For this paper, you will research, analyze, and discuss the processes involved in helping technologies emerge from the R&D environment so that they can be incorporated into products and services which meet the needs of the cybersecurity industry. Your research should include: technology transfer processes and initiatives and funding sources, i.e. venture capital, government grants, etc. You should also address the technology development lifecycle and the role of funding availability at each of the lifecycle stages (See NIST GCR 02-841).

Begin your research by reading the following documents and resources about technology transfer processes and initiatives. Continue your research by investigating the availability (or lack) of federal funding for innovations in the cybersecurity area.

o What is a technology? https://www.useoftechnology.com/what-is-technology/

o Technology R&D Lifecycle: Between invention and innovation: An analysis of funding for early-stage technology development (NIST GCR 02-841). https://web.archive.org/web/20160501225520/https://www.atp.nist.gov/eao/gcr02-841/chapt2.htm

o What is technology transfer?https://www.utrs.com/technology_transfer.html

o Technology Transfer @ DHS

o https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/technology-transfer-program

o https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/csd-ep

o DHS Transition to Practice (TTP) FY 2016 pp. 1-23https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/CSD%20TTP%20FY16%20Tech%20Guide.pdf

o Technology Transfer @ NSA

o https://www.nsa.gov/what-we-do/research/technology-transfer/types-tech-transfers.shtml

o Technology Transfer @ Federal Government:

o https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-15-127

o Cyber MarylandReporthttps://mdcao.usmd.edu/Maryland%20Department%20of%20Economic%20Development%20CyberReport.pdf

Next, research the role that private funding (venture capital) plays in providing money and resources to innovators who are developing cybersecurity technologies and products. How does the availability of venture capital impact the development of technology? How do venture capitalists influence the emergence or death of technology developments? Provide specific examples from your research.

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Computer Engineering: How does the availability of venture capital impact the
Reference No:- TGS02238156

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