How does that rub up against the first amendment

Discussion Post: "Health Reform"

• The attack on the US Capitol on January 6 which started from a legitimate demonstration outside the building to the illegal attack, breaking doors and windows with the stated intent of attacking the Vice President to stop the counting of presidential ballots. Last summer we saw across the nation numerous "Black Lives Matter" protests linked to the killing of George Floyd and others. Many of those protests collapsed into violence either as police reaction to law breaking or police anger at an anti-police crowd chanting things they found personally offensive. Your assignment is to write 350 words explaining the right to protest and speak out (as established in the First Amendment, which you should cite) and then discuss the challenges to police. Looked at Peel who said a primary function of police is to prevent disorder. How does that rub up against the First Amendment? How should police properly respond to these seeming contradictions between First Amendment rights and the need to keep the peace. Cite material - don't give opinion.

• First define the "cultural critique" approach in Anthropology and second, explain the following quote using a "cultural critique" lens:

"For if one begins with the premise that spaces have always been hierarchically interconnected, instead of naturally disconnected, that cultural and social change becomes not a matter of cultural contact and articulation but one of rethinking differences through connection (Gupta and Ferguson 1992: 8)."

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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