
How does that compare with the rest of the state and is


Before we delve into the health related issues of other countries, I want for us to objectively look at places more familiar by utilizing research to see how where you live impacts your health. This assignment will focus more on access to healthy food, but the resources will also have data on additional behavioral determinants and the other Determinates of Health.

My hope is that this assignment will better prepare you for researching and assessing your assigned country.

A. Watch the two brief videos

1-  Tale of Two Zip Codes by HealthHappensHere

2- Place Matters: A Tale of 3 Indiana Zip Codes by Indiana Healthy Food Access Coalition

B. Visit the website - county health rankings

Pick your state

Select county from "Overall Rankings in Health Factors"

Examine how your county compares with state average and US top performers

Click "Food Environment Index" and select the Description tab and read content

Next, select the Data tab and compare your county with other counties for "% Limited Access to Healthy Foods" and "% Food Insecurity"

C. Visit the site below:

United States Department of Agriculture - Economic Research Service and search Food Access Research Atlas

Select "Enter the Map" and zoom into the census tract where you live

The default setting is "Low Income (LI) and low access (LA) at one mile urban and 10 miles rural"

Now select "LI and LA using vehicle access"

D. Utilizing the resources above, share how where you live impacts your health by answering the following questions in a few paragraphs:

List the county and state where you currently live

What is your county's % Limited Access to Healthy Foods and % Food Insecurity?

How does that compare with the rest of the state?

Is there an area near where you live that are "Low income and low access" according to the USDA map?

Is there an area near where you live that are "LI and LA using vehicle access" (If not, think of another limited-resource area with which you are familiar)?

In that limited-resource area, are there (to the best of your recollection):

Individual Behavior - Access to Produce? Fast food restaurants? Gas Stations? Liquor stores? Tobacco shops?

Social Determinates - Low performing schools? Employers offering good salaries? High crime rates?

Physical Determinates (Built Environment) - Safe parks and trails? Sidewalks in good repair? Sheltered bus stops? Adequate, safe, housing?

Other Physical Determinates - Exposure to physical hazards or toxic land, air, or substances?

Health Services - Hospitals or clinics?

E. Answer the following in a paragraph:

Imagine if you lived in that limited-resource area as a family of four with a low income -- and without access to a car.

Where would you shop for food?

How would you get there?

How easy would it be to access healthy food vs fast food?

How would everyday life differ from your current experience?

Does Place matter?

Selcted county is; Marion
City : Indianapolis
State: Indiana
Zip code: 46254

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Dissertation: How does that compare with the rest of the state and is
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