
How does that apply to todays world show how the two great


1. What did Hartman mean when he said that, "I'm quite sure that virtual1y the same human values emphasized in the Bible have been set forth in the "Bibles" of the world's other religions and by other great prophets and religious leaders throughout history?"

2. According to Hartman, "Instead of living in tunnels of fear," what must we do?

3. How does that apply to today's world?

Hartman says, "For me, Jesus is that person who for the first time in human history articulated the nature of man's infinity in God." What did he mean by that?

What did Hartman mean when he said we must not repeat the error of the middle ages?

4. What does he mean when he says the language of the bible is metaphorical?

5. Show how the "two great commandments" can influence a responsible public administrator.

6. How can the parable of the vineyard influence a responsible public administrator?

How can the parable of the talents influence a responsible public administrator?

How can the feeding of the thousands as described in The Robe show how a responsible public administrator can affect others?

7. The story of the woman at the well suggests some things a responsible public servant should keep in mind. Share two things you think it suggests the responsible public servant to keep in mind.

8. What is the moral that every single parable illustrates in one way or another, according to Hartman?

9. Pick one of the presentations from the last class and show how what you learned connects with this chapter.

10. Pick another of the presentations and show how what you learned from it connects with Chapter 3.


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Dissertation: How does that apply to todays world show how the two great
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