Discuss technology's impact on of the following:
• Technology and Learning: How does technology affect how people learn?
? What are the advantages of using technology for learning? What are potential disadvantages?
? What suggestions do you have to maximize the advantages and limit the potential disadvantages?
? How has this changed from the traditional to the modern workplace?
• Technology and Communication: How does technology affect how people communicate?
? What are the advantages of using technology to communicate?
? What suggestions do you have to maximize the advantages and limit the potential disadvantages?
? How has this changed from the traditional to the modern workplace?
• Technology and Work-Life Balance: How does technology affect how people balance their work life and home life?
? What are the advantages to maintain a work-life balance? What are potential disadvantages?
? What suggestions do you have to maximize the advantages and limit the potential disadvantages?
? How has this changed from the traditional to the modern workplace?