A. What ideas or conversations between characters from "The Perfect Match" did you find most interesting, frightening, or realistic? Explain.
B. How does such heavy reliance on technology pose a problem in the story? , In your opinion, does it do so in real life? Explain.
C. What does the author seem to be saying in this story about free will and individual choice? Does he seem to think we have free will or individual choice? Does he seem to think it Is ethical for corporations or governments to manipulate it? What do you think?
D. Toward the end of the story, the Centillion representative says, "In the face of the inevitable, the only choice is to adapt." Consider this quote as it relates to the United States and the Western World today. Exactly what, in your opinion, is inevitable? How do you suppose people adapt? Why is adapting the only choice? Is there an alternative?
E. What other issues does "The Perfect Match" reflect and magnify that could possibly inspire research? Brainstorm a list.