
how does structural adjustment programmespoverty

How does Structural Adjustment Programmes/Poverty Reduction Strategies assist development?

Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) /Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRS) are an effort to tackle underlying problems which give rise to Debt, balance of payment and exchange rate crisis. Conversely these programmes are criticised as ineffectual since:

  • Loans raise indebtedness and need interest repayments. The USA argues about one off development grants suitable to local conditions should replace loans.
  • The costs of structural adjustment and adopting market solutions falls upon the poorest sectors of society into terms of unemployment, raised prices of essentials, decreased health and educational provision. Widening income disparities, negative social and externalities exclusion consequence till the benefits of market led that trade driven development trickle down.
  • The speed of structural adjustment and market improvement demanded by the International Monetary Fund threatens social cohesion.
  • SAPs are perceived as implies by that developed countries can open up the markets of less developed countries to foreign exporters and investors.

Where countries to grow cash crops for export like part of structural reform, rose supply reduces world price. Specified low PED TR reduces for less developed countries exporting primary products reduces.


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