
How does science differ from other forms of knowledge


1) Describe the reasoning of the "sociological imagination," sociology, manifest functions, latent functions, social structure, functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interaction, social forces, class struggle, capitalism, social order, social change, capitalist class, working class, division of labor, bureaucracy, social integration, feminist theory, anomie, communism, alienation, and "disenchantment with the world" or extreme rationality.

2) Show how the pioneering work of Emile Durkheim on suicide helps to reveal the influence of social patterns in the actions of individuals. Now, write an account of the reasons you have for taking this class. Consider, then, the possible "deeper" social reasons underlying this decision.

3) Which theory has been influenced by the views of Comte, Spencer, Durkheim, and Merton? Make sure to refer in your account to the notions of social order, social solidarity, social structure, anomie, division of labor, and functional interdependence.

4) Write an essay on the major points of Marx's conflict view of society. In your essay, focus on the nature of capitalism, the causes of worker alienation, and the social forces that in Marx's view, lead to the development of a communist society. What components in Marx's analysis seem to be correct and which seem to be wrong? Explain the arguments of contemporary theories (critical, feminist, queer) spawned from conflict theory.

5) Describe the three major sociological paradigms in terms of their assumptions, main arguments, research questions, strengths and weaknesses.

6) Who are the main thinkers identified with each major paradigm? What were their contributions to their respective theory?

7) Explain the statement: "all Marxist theory is conflict theory but not all conflict theory is Marxist."

8) Compare and contrast the three main sociological paradigms in terms of their assumptions, main arguments, research questions, strengths and weaknesses.

9) In what ways are structural functionalism and conflict paradigms different? In what ways are they similar? Are conflict and consensus in society mutually exclusive as the theories suggest? Is there a best theory? Explain the reasons for our answer.

10) How would each paradigm explain sports in the United States? Use your sociological imagination to explain the arts.

11) Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber independently saw modern society as a problematic milieu for human existence i.e. anomie and alienation. Yet, some prescribe different methods for ameliorating the problems. Compare and contrast their suggestions for reducing anomie and alienation.

12) Describe the concepts of anomie, alienation and "extreme rationality." Include in your answer the sociologist who coined the particular problem, and the cause and solution to each.

13) Describe in few sentences the arguments of symbolic interaction, dramaturgy, ethnomethodology, exchange. What is similar and different among dramaturgy, exchange, and ethnomethodology relative to symbolic interaction?

14) Describe the contributions to sociological thought by Comte, Spencer, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, G.H. Mead, Cooley, Du Bois, and Martineau.

15) How does science differ from other forms of knowledge?

16) Define and illustrate the elements of scientific research: concepts, variables, and measurement.

17) Describe the stages of the scientific method.

18) Distinguish between dependent and independent variable, cause and effect, correlation and spurious relationship, reliability and validity of measurement, cross-sectional and longitudinal research, micro-level and macro-level of analysis, surveys and non-survey methods. Give examples of each concept above.

19) What kinds of techniques/methods might a researcher select for studying a sociological question? What research advantage does each technique offer over the others? What factors influence the selection of the research method to use?

20) Describe in your own words three advantages and disadvantages of each research method. See *Supplemental Readings Module 2 "Selected Advantages/Disadvantages among Research Techniques" WORD.doc posted on Canvas

21) What is the meaning of objective sociology?

22) Briefly describe major issues for debate when conducting, interpreting, and using sociological research.

23) Find the similarities and differences, if any, among the following concepts: material culture, non-material culture, cultural relativity, ethnocentrism, ideal culture, real culture, popular culture, upper-class culture, cultural universals, cultural diversity, culture shock, subculture, counterculture, norms, social control, folkways, mores, laws, sanctions, symbols, language, values and beliefs, and sociobiology.

24) Give examples of the concepts listed.

25) Are values consistent? Contradictory? In conflict? (Hint: think in terms of the multiple status and roles we have that lead to strains and conflict)

26) Compare and contrast the notions of assimilation, subculture, countercultures, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and multiculturalism.

27) Define the basic elements of social structure. How many statuses can an individual occupy? How many roles can an individual play? How many groups can an individual belong to? Are these structural sets harmonious or conflictive?

28) 28. How are status and roles linked? What distinguishes achieved from ascribed status? What is the difference between role strain and role conflict? Illustrate these differences.

29) Define and illustrate with examples the concepts of ascribed status, achieved status, master status, role conflict, role strain, status set, role set, role exit, groups, networks, social institutions: family, education, religion, media, economy, and polity, degradation ceremony, and total institution.

30) Give examples of above concepts drawing from your experiences.

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(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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