Q1) How is one to understand, pursue, and achieve happiness according to Epicureanism? One would do well to consider the following: hedonism; pleasure as a natural (physis) good; death; false beliefs; universal determinism vs. free will; the classification of desires; the virtue of moderation; friendship.
Q2) How is one to understand, pursue, and achieve happiness according to Stoicism? One would do well to consider the following: self-sufficiency; the harmony between will and nature; Destiny; equanimity; virtue; intention; duty; natural law.
Q3) According to Saint Augustine, how is the world ordered, and what does such order suggest about the nature of God? One would do well to consider the following: Plotinus' notion of the One; emanation versus voluntary, loving creation ex nihilo; The Great Chain of Being; being as intelligibility; the metaphysical status of nothingness.
Q4) How does Saint Augustine present the problem of evil? One would do well to consider the following: natural evil; moral evil; The Great Chain of Being as a hierarchy of values; pride; the nature of sin; original sin; loves, both ordered and disordered.
Q5) Saint Augustine identifies himself as a Neo-Platonist, following in the tradition of Plato and Plotinus; in what way is Augustine's thought similar to, different from, and a development or deviation Plato's philosophy? Feel free to focus on any feature(s) of their respective thought and offer a nuanced comparison and contrast thereon.