Go to the CSU Online Library, or the internet, and use the Academic Search Complete database to find the article "Managing Risk Perceptions," by Vladimir Ivensky in the peer-reviewed journal Professional Safety.
After reading the article, provide a critique that answers the following questions:
· How does risk perception in employees affect the evaluation of residual risk and the choice of controls used to control risk associated with a hazard?
· What are some problems that can arise in a workplace related to implementing too stringent controls?
· What are some problems that can arise in a workplace related to implementing too lenient controls?
· Summarize your opinions about methods to use to bring risk perceptions at a facility in line with actual risk and the controls that you would implement to reduce those risks.
Summarize how you believe a safety professional should evaluate and explain residual risk and acceptable levels of residual risk to workers.
The article critique must be a minimum of two pages, not counting the title and reference pages. The paper should be double-spaced and in APA style.
You must at least include a reference and in-text citation for the article. You must also include references and in-text citations for any other sources you use.