
How does rei implement social responsibility

Coty Hampton

REI: An ethical Consumer Cooperative.

Case summary:

REI is a company that deals with the production of goods and services which are used in outdoor activities. It is a company that endeavors to excel in all dimensions. REI ensures that it deals with the interests of all parties or stake holders who have interests with the organization. It also interacts with other firms to ensure production of quality goods to its customers. REI upholds the values that make it outstand in the market.

Key Issues:

Keeping values-REI holds fast the values that promote ethical culture that makes it stand from the rest. It ensures service and protection of the environment to where it operates.

Protection of stakeholders interests-REI believes that the stakeholders of the firm are its backbone hence it ensures that their interests are well met and satisfied.

Social responsibility-REI is socially responsible as it strives to advocate for social facilities prevention and improves the lives of the people in its environment through supporting social activities.

Legality-REI as a company observes the law as it tries to follow the set down procedures in its daily dealings.
Personal case analysis:

In my view, REI as a firm has made many achievements. It has made the lives of people in the environment improve as it strives to implement its decisions. Making partnerships with other firms despite the challenges involved in competing firms has made it one out of many. It has as well ensured that its stakeholder's interests are met despite its sales oriented nature. This has made REI win the trust of all its stakeholders.

Case Questions:

1. Describe the Stakeholder orientation t REI.

Stakeholder orientation is the organization's center of the performance. It forms part of its cultural relationship with the other corporate bodies. It is available when the organization is interested in the influence of its deeds to its owners and not just the owners. Stakeholders are those people who have great power over the actions of the organization and whose contribution if withdrawn from it can affect the firm negatively. They consist of the general public where the firm operates, employees, those who supply inputs, customers, and owners. Stakeholder's orientation makes efforts to reconcile the interests of all the parties taking into account their interests when making decisions about their actions. It focuses on what is good for the stakeholders but not mere money making. Stakeholder orientation can lead to an increased competitive advantage. The main components of shareholder orientation include customer, competitor, employee and shareholder orientations that may either bring synergy or preventive effect.

2. How does REI implement Social Responsibility?

REI would like to make sure that it is responsible for its paper sourcing for it cannot stop its use of paper. It has a policy that promotes buying of paper products firms that are certified by Forest Stewardship Council a body that dictates that the paper products have been responsibly sourced. REI recognizes that its social responsibility to the environment does not come to an end after the sales of its output hence it makes product sustainability an essential principle for sustaining its goals.REI also has partnered with other corporate bodies as it believes in standards that apply universally. In its political dimension, REI advocates the protection of the environment promoting recreational facilities. It has encouraged productive use of lands for the public and has supported many programs concerned with outdoor recreation. REI has been able to make its customers loyal and created good faith with the stakeholders due to basing its mission on customers. Relating its sales activities has provided to the stakeholders information relating directly to their interests and those of the environment

3. How do REI's values relate to the development of an ethical culture?

REI ensures that its actions are according to the law. This can be seen in its habit of purchasing paper from a certified body. This value is enough to fulfilling an ethical duty to the obedience of the law that any business should adhere to as it operates in a particular country. It makes the country benefit from the company's activities, and the employees and the interested parties derive maximum satisfaction.

REI values the community that it operates in and the activities that are of benefit to them through involvement in activities and efforts in advocating justice. It portrays its value for the environment by its behavioral promotion and practices that are environment-friendly, a trait that has seen it produce exceptional quality goods and services for outdoor activities. REI values equity, originality and integrity among others that are the center of the firm's activities. Its ethical culture concerns all the parties that are affected by the actions of the company but not just a small fraction. Ethical conduct is a paramount aspect of REIs culture.


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Marketing Management: How does rei implement social responsibility
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