
How does poverty play a role in the criminal justice system


Imagine that you are being considered for a job with a local adolescent behavioral program that specializes in helping teenagers who have experienced minor encounters with the law. You've been called back for a second interview and their employee search committee has asked you to develop a presentation about the criminal justice system and the juvenile justice system in your community.

You need to research the topic and prepare a visually appealing PowerPoint slideshow to accompany your presentation. Your PowerPoint slideshow will need to:

A. Have a title slide that includes the name of your community.
B. Contain 6-12 content slides.
C. Address the following questions:
D. How does poverty play a role in the criminal justice system?
E. How does mental illness play a role in the criminal justice system?
F. How does the criminal justice system approach adolescents/children who break the law?
G. How does the criminal justice system approach adults who break the law?
H. In your opinion, what would be one improvement that could be made to the criminal justice system?

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Other Subject: How does poverty play a role in the criminal justice system
Reference No:- TGS03338665

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