
How does personality influence employee job satisfaction


Research Essay (3000 words +/- 10%) Assessment Type: Literature Review Purpose: To allow students to research organisational behaviour theory and to enable students to examine and critically analyse one aspect of recruitment and selection in depth, to understand some of the activities that make up scholarly research and to see the way in which knowledge is built gradually.

The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables) How to submit: Soft copy - Word .doc or .docx uploaded to Moodle & Turnitin. Do not submit PDF documents. Topic: Staff retention is a global issue. There are several reasons for employee turnover in organizations. Identity the reasons employees leave organisations. Retention can be related to extrinsic and intrinsic factors that commit and make people happy at work. Such factors can retain top talents in organisations. Taking from this point, also consider personality in organisations. What is personality? How does personality influence employee job satisfaction and organisational commitment?

Task :

Students are required to analyse a range of literature, and make supported recommendations to answer the question. Students need to apply their own interpretation and judgement to the question, based on approved and valid research (see Research Requirements below). Students who simply regurgitate their answers from the textbook or lecture notes risk failing the assignment. Research Requirements: Students are expected to support their conclusions and recommendations with suitable references, including the text and a MINIMUM of 10 peer reviewed academic journal articles. Other appropriate, industry valid sources should also be used. Writing Style: The literature review should be written in formal academic narrative style. The review will be evaluated for discriminatory language, clarity of expression and overall presentation including grammar, spelling and punctuation. Do not use bullet points, casual language (or bracketed comments). Use headings sparingly. Reports must be fully and appropriately referenced using a formal academic style. Harvard Anglia is the preferred style. Substantial marks will be deducted for inadequate or incorrect referencing.

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Other Management: How does personality influence employee job satisfaction
Reference No:- TGS01866477

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