
How does performance task connect to your learning objective


What will your students do to demonstrate their understanding of the learning segment? The summative assessment comes at the end of the learning segment (think of it like a final) and is a Performance Task. Remember that a Performance Task is any assessment that asks students to make, create, produce, or otherwise do something to demonstrate learning. It is not a multiple choice test, worksheet, or matching activity. Performance Tasks ask students to apply their learning. For example, if you have been studying political cartoons through your unit, an appropriate Performance Task would be to have students make their own political cartoons that demonstrate their understanding of the conventions of the genre.

In the table, explain:

a) What the summative assessment (performance task) is. What will students produce? Is the summative assessment multi-modal?

b) Justify your decision: How is the summative assessment capable of measuring student understanding of the learning segment, particularly its Enduring Understandings and whether the standards have been met?

c) To what extent you think your students will enjoy doing the Performance Task. To what extent will you enjoy grading them?

d) How does this performance task connect to your learning objectives?

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