This final chapter discusses a lot about theory and intervention. I want to focus on the intervention part for this assignment. Your book talks about 8 different intervention models:
a) The rehabilitation model
b) The treatment or medical model
c) The non-interventionist model
d) The due process model
e) The just deserts/justice model
f) The crime control model
g) The Balanced and Restorative Justice Model
h) The Sanctuary model
I want you to pick one of those models. Once you have picked one, write a response to the following questions:
1) Describe your model. Include things like: how does this model view delinquent behavior; how does this model suggest we should deal with delinquent behavior, etc.
2) What type of intervention/program would be a good example of this model? Explain your answer.
3) Do you support this model or not support this model? as in, do believe this model is effective