Assignment task: Using the political concept of dehumanization. Explore the way this concept is discussed in the Hulu tv show The Handmaid's Tale By Bruce Miller and answer the following questions:
1. How does this media attempt to socialize its audience into a particular political worldview? Asked another way, what political ideas are being conveyed to its audience?
2. Do you personally think this media has affected your own political worldview? If so, how?
3. What are some of the political themes or concepts this media seems to be concerned with (e.g., citizenship, liberty, multiculturalism/diversity, gender/feminism)? Feel free to identify concepts other than the ones we focus on in class.
4. Focusing on just one political theme or concept, how are the ideas about this theme or concept expressed in this media similar (or different) to what we are learning about political philosophy in our readings?