
How does local knowedge impact belief and medicine among

Watch me movie "Peyote Road" and "Sastun",link sourse and attachment , answer those question .

We have seen examples of local knowledge, e.g. the knowledge of a specific group in a specific environment that provides sustainability in this class. How does local knowedge impact belief and medicine among the Maya in Belize and North American tribes? How has the Native American Church helped to revitalize indigenous culture? What advantages do tropical plants keep indigenous people healthy and what can we learn from the practices of the shaman in Belize?

Make sure your answer is thorough yet concise. Only write points and facts that answer the questions. No essay should exceed five paragraphs. If you use any sources in addition to those required by this class, include a cited bibliography at the bottom of your essay.



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Dissertation: How does local knowedge impact belief and medicine among
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