
How does law in australia protect individual liberty to

How does law in Australia protect individual liberty?'

To answer this question you must choose three examples of how law in Australia system does, or does not, protect individual liberty. You may choose examples which support either proposition and conclude that, despite the contrary example, on balance, you support the other proposition.


1. Provide the structure of an argument;

2. Research and reference, and

3. Do both of the above in accordance with the AGLC.

This is because structure, research and referencing are areas in which students commonly have trouble in later years. It is not because they are necessarily difficult but often because students have had insufficient practice in these skills. These skills are however essential to legal study and practice as they are fundamental to persuasive legal argument. A fundamental aim of this unit is to introduce the skills of persuasive legal argument as essential to the discipline of law. 

Marking Criteria

You should answer the question by the doing the following:

- Have an introduction which tells the reader what your conclusion will be and how the paper will reach it;

- Have three points to make up the body of the argument. These must be identified by sub-headings and explained in only three dot points each. 

- Have a conclusion which answers the question.

- Identify three each (no more, no less) of the following sources to support your argument:

o Cases

o Statutes, or international law instruments

o Books (NOT including the prescribed texts)

o Legal journal articles

o Other sources - which may be government reports, websites or news media references.

= 15 sources in total.7

- Use footnotes to identify where each of your references support your argument. 

For example, the bullet points of the first point of your argument might reference two cases, a statute, a book and three journal articles in the footnotes. The remainder of your points must then reference the balance of the required sources. 

You may refer to a source more than once, but you must still have three of each type of source and 15 different sources in total. These 15 different sources must also be listed in your bibliography

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