
How does kidder argue against sander and taylor

Question 1: One possible criticism of Sander and Taylor is that their argument ignores the reasons that affirmative action programs were implemented in the first place. Do they seem to take account of forces such past-in-present discrimination? Do they take adequate account of the context of race and ethnic relations in the United States?

Question 2: How does Kidder argue against Sander and Taylor? How does he build his case and what evidence does he cite? Does his point of view seem more anchored in social science research? Why?

Question 3: Even if mismatch is a problem, is this a reason to end Affirmative Action? Are there ways to reduce "mismatch" and improve the performance of less-well-qualified students? Are selective universities obligated to implement such programs? Why or why not?

Question 4: Ultimately, given the material presented in this week's and considering both sides of the mismatch argument, do you believe that affirmative action has a role to play in university admissions? Do you agree with the Supreme Court decision in Fisher v. University of Texas? Why or why not?

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