
How does ji-young lee make sense of koreas military

The following questions require you to read Ji-Young Lee's chapters one, two and three and Ge Zhaoguang's chapter one. All readings are discussed in one way or another in my lectures.

Can you tell me in your own words what Ji-Young Lee mean by "hegemonic authority as a product of domestic legitimation"? Can you illustrate what she means with a concrete example of East Asian politics?

How does Ji-Young Lee make sense of Korea's military expeditions against the Ming Empire in 1370, 1388 and 1398?

How did Japan responded to the rise of the Ming empire? How does Ji-Young Lee explain how Japan became an official Ming tributary for a brief period of time?

In Chapter one of Ge Zhaoguang's What Is China?: Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History, he describes the history of an All-under-Heaven worldview in China [exactly the tianxia system described in Ji-Young Lee's literature review chapter]. Would you call this worldview sinocentric?

When did China stop being sinocentric? Did Buddhism and Catholicism had anything to do with sinocentric worldviews?

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History: How does ji-young lee make sense of koreas military
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