
How does it support the organizations strategy is it a cost

Question: Instructions

  • Review the materials from the first weeks of this course as you address each of the questions below.
  • Review the material in the Helpful Links section.
  • Answer the questions based on the organization you have selected. Some organizations are very large; you may need to select a division or segment of the organization to answer the questions. However, if you "down-select" to a portion of the organization, be careful that you will be able to address the other milestones of the project (see the Group Project Overview - Organizational Analysis and Group Project Milestone 1 - Data Availability).

Submission Details

  • Address each question separately.
  • Include the question above your answer.
  • Length: Your answer to each question should be approximately 150 -175 w
  • Cite your sources
  • Submit one document per team.


  • What is the organization's business model?
  • What is the organization's strategy?
  • What is the organization's structure? Include a diagram or chart.
  • What is the role of IT in your organization?

Some things to address

  • How does it support the organization's strategy?
  • Is IT a cost center or a profit center?
  • Links to an external site.
  • What is the structure of IT within the organization?How large is the IT unit in terms of employees?
  • How is IT organized?Provide an IT organization chart if possible
  • Describe some of the key employee roles (e.g., look at job titles) within the IT unit.

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Business Management: How does it support the organizations strategy is it a cost
Reference No:- TGS02376718

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