
How does it improve adoption of e-wallet as a payment method


Today, Information and Technology (IT) development and sophistication are viewed as significant phenomena that have a significant impact on people's daily lives all over the world. This advance development of this technology has expanded in a variety of sectors, including business, healthcare, finance, transportation, and others. Do a research on the e-wallet which contains the following information:

I. Description of e-wallet and its categories.

II. How does IT improve the adoption of e-wallet as a payment method in Malaysia? Justify answer with appropriate examples or articles.

III. What distinguishes an e-wallet from a debit card? Which application is prefer? Justify your answer.

IV. Identify TWO examples of e-wallet applications (e.g.; Touch'nGo, google pay, apple pay) that one have used before. Discuss YOUR experience of using these applications. The discussions have to be from YOUR own experience (DO NOT copy from other sources) and EACH application should include:

1. Introduction and background of the application. Support with a diagram, screenshots or illustration.

2. What were the TWO significance why one used the application? Support the reason with appropriate scenario example.

3. The transactions or processes or activities one frequently used from the e-wallet.

4. The detail specifications of software, hardware, device or Internet connectivity requirements one need to run the application and perform transactions.

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Computer Engineering: How does it improve adoption of e-wallet as a payment method
Reference No:- TGS03312521

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