
How does is change the meaning of the text


You will be turning in reading critiques over the course of the semester. Although you have a choice of topic for the critique, you need to stick to the literature written since the previous critique. You may not write about literature read before the last critique.

Since the paper is fairly short (1 ½ pages double spaced) chose a topic you can reasonably treat in a few pages. You do not want to merely SUMMARIZE the chapter you are discussing. Recommendations: You might want to begin with the obvious in a text, but try to make sure that the obvious is not the end of your journey. You want to start noticing patterns, making connections, compare and contrasting, and thinking about contemporary issues such as race, gender, and class. Your ideas may well come out of class discussion. Good luck! Stop by to talk about any of your ideas at any time.

This is an informal writing, but I want you to try to develop an argument about your ideas by thinking about why your topic is important. What does it prove about the text? How does is change the meaning of the text? Does it point to a certain theme?

You may include your personal responses, but you want to clearly link those personal reactions to specific examples in the text that causes you to respond in a particular way.You also must include at least one quotation from the text.

Provide evidence to back up your claims by quoting from the text, citing examples, and connecting the examples to your argument, or the point you are making. Cite page numbers for quoted material.

Possible topics may include:

I. A pattern of imagery (weather, objects, repeated gestures, colors, etc

II. Use of satire or irony, or foreshadowing, or another literary element

III. A discussion of the narrator, and the narrator's reliability or unreliability

IV. Themes...and how they are revealed or how they recur in the text

V. Ways that class, or gender (male or female roles) or racial issues are presented

VI. A discussion of topics such as the American Dream, or the journey of the hero, or empowerment are presented

VII. Chose a literary theory or term

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

a. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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History: How does is change the meaning of the text
Reference No:- TGS03171015

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