Part 1. Self Reflection Questions
1. How does intent play a role in an intentional tort?
2. How does consent play a role in the defense of an intentional tort?
3. How can you help ensure a patient's privacy?
4. How can charting help prevent a successful lawsuit based on false imprisonment?
Part 2. Self-Reflection Questions
1. What areas of concern are there as we move forward with a government health plan?
2. What ethical concerns can be affected by the conscience clause?
3. In what type of practice structure would be most beneficial for you to participate?
4. How do the different types of insurance coverage affect a Patient's treatment?
Part 3. Self-Reflection Questions
1. How do I personally feel about conflict? Why?
2. How would I handle disruptive behavior from a coworker?
3. Is it possible for conflict to be healthy?
4. Does your workplace have a conflict management policy? It so, do you know what it is?
5. Think about a conflict that you have experienced in the past. What was the outcome? Positive or negative? Think about the steps that led to that outcome. Could it have been handled differently?
Part 4. Self-Reflection Questions
1. Why do you, as a healthcare professional, need professional liability insurance?
2. Why is it important to know the coverage of your employer's liability insurance as well as coverage it excludes?
Part 5. Self-Reflection Questions
1. If you suspected a neighbor of child abuse or neglect, how would you respond?
2. What do you think would be the most difficult type of abuse to prosecute?
3. What types of evidence would you find a criminal case of elder abuse?
4. What types of epidemics are the hardest to prevent? How can they be identified?