
How does indirect transmission of disease differ from

Fomite Transmission Exercise 1: Fomite Transmission

Questions -

A. What is an infectious disease? What is the role of a pathogen in the spread of disease?

B. How does indirect transmission of disease differ from direct transmission?

C. How do fomites contribute to the spread of disease?

D. Based on the results recorded in Data Table 1, which surface is most likely to harbor pathogens? Does this conform to your hypothesis?

E. How will the results in Data Table 1 influence your treatment of tested surfaces in your home?

Food Safety Exercise 1: Food Safety

Questions -

A. Why is food safety important?

B. How does food become compromised by microbes?

C. How can food safety be improved in the home environment?

D. Based on the results recorded in Data Table 1, which foods contained the highest number and diversity of microbes?

E. How will the results of this experiment impact your food safety practices at home?

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Biology: How does indirect transmission of disease differ from
Reference No:- TGS02450786

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