
How does immunoglobulin limit infection and the resulting

List the 2 types of lymphocytes involved in the 3rd line of defense, including any subtypes. Describe how each type functions in immunity, naming its specific receptor and any co-receptors. What type of macromolecule are the receptors? How do they function?

How does immunoglobulin limit infection and the resulting cell damage? Be specific about each mechanism and what it works on. (Hint: There are six mechanisms you learned.) Which class of immunoglobulin is involved in type 1 hypersensitivity reactions?

An overabundance of arginine shuts off the metabolic pathway that makes arginine in a bacterial cell. Explain the mechanism that makes this happen. Why does this happen?

A patient presents with an elevated white blood cell count, indicating infection; however, his symptoms do not correspond to any known disease. How would you go about determining the cause to suggest possible treatment?

A microbe causes lung infections in humans. What is the likely temperature grouping to which this organism belongs? What is the likely oxygen requirement grouping to which this organism belongs? In order to cause the infection, this microbe has evaded the host's 1st line of defenses. Which first line defenses, in particular, would come into play with this type of infection? Explain your answers.

What mechanisms can bacteria use to acquire new genes? Which of these mechanisms of acquiring new genes are used in genetic engineering? Describe how one of these genetic engineering techniques it may be utilized in a new generation of vaccines.

You have cultured and Gram stained a sputum sample from a patient and determined that the infection is a mixed culture of hemolytic (remember lab) Streptococcus sp. (Gram +) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram -). What is the shape and color (after staining) of each organism? How would you determine if the Gram + is S. pneumonia (alpha-hemolytic) or S. pyrogenes (beta-hemolytic)? What would be the impact of cephalosporin treatment?

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Biology: How does immunoglobulin limit infection and the resulting
Reference No:- TGS02453564

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